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Tech Blog Using MkDocs and Material Theme


For tech blog, one may don't want to use the traditional blog platform, such as WordPress, Blogger, etc. Instead, one may want to use a static site generator, which is much lightweight and easy to use. Popular static site generators include:

What Is MkDocs?

MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. It features a built-in development server that reloads your changes as you edit the source files, so you can see your changes instantly. MkDocs is available on PyPI and can be installed through pip.

What Is Material Theme?

Material is a theme for MkDocs, an excellent static site generator geared towards project documentation. It is built using Google's Material Design guidelines. Material has been designed to be beautiful and easy to use. It comes with built-in support for Material Design icons, Material Design colours, and Roboto fonts. Material is also fully responsive, meaning it looks great on desktop as well as mobile devices.

How To Use MkDocs?


MkDocs is available from PyPI and can be installed through pip:

pip install mkdocs

Getting Started

Getting started is super easy.

Step 1: Start a new project

mkdocs new my-project

This step will create a new project directory named my-project containing a single configuration file named mkdocs.yml and a folder named docs that will contain your documentation source files. Inside the docs directory, a new file named will already exist. Open this file in your text editor. The folder structure should look like this:


Step 2: Preview your site

cd my-project
mkdocs serve
This step will start the built-in dev-server, which will reload your documentation whenever anything changes. Open up in your browser, and you'll see the default home page being displayed. The dev-server also supports auto-reloading, and will rebuild your documentation whenever anything in the configuration file, documentation directory, or theme directory changes.

Step 3: Deploy

mkdocs build

This step is to build the documentation site. The documentation site will be located in the site directory, which can be copied to any standard web server for hosting.


Note that, better build the website in the server rather than locally. That means, when uploading the website to the server, don't upload the site directory. For example, you can use gitignore to ignore the site directory. Then, in the server, in corresponding directory, run mkdocs build to build the website.


The configuration file is named mkdocs.yml, and is located in the root of your project. The configuration file is a YAML file, with a simple structure. The configuration file contains a list of pages (in the pages key), a list of options (in the site_name key), and a list of pages to be excluded from the build (in the exclude key).

site_name: My Project
site_description: A short description of my project.
site_author: Your Name
site_dir: site
site_favicon: images/favicon.ico
# ...


For this part, if you use the material them later, you can directly use the template mkdocs.yml file in the material directory. Follow the instructions from Material for MkDocs to modify the configuration.

Writing Documentation

The documentation files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file. The documentation files are stored in the docs directory by default, but you can customize this using the docs_dir configuration parameter.

How To Use Material Theme?

refer to Material for MkDocs, there is a very detailed documentation.


Material for MkDocs is available from PyPI and can be installed through pip:

pip install mkdocs-material

To view your projects in real time, run the following command:

mkdocs serve

if you get some errors reporting some modules not found, you can try to install them manually. Mainly due to the plugins, in my case, rss, minify, and i18n.

pip install mkdocs-rss-plugin
pip install mkdocs-minify-plugin
pip install mkdocs-static-i18n


This part should be paid attention to. I use my own configuration file as an example. Refer to the comments in the configuration file for details.

# Project information
site_name: Eureka! # site name
site_url: https://localhost:8000/ # build and run on server, to visit it, type in the server's IP address and port number like this:
site_author: Shuaiwen Cui # author name
site_description: >- # site description
  Welcome to Shaun's rabbit hole. This site serves as a personal knowledge base for me to record my thoughts and ideas. It is also a place for me to share my knowledge and experience with the world. I hope you find something useful here. 

# Repository - if you want to share your website repo, you can add this part
repo_name: Shuaiwen-Cui/Infinity # repo name
repo_url: # repo url

# Copyright - there will be a section in the left bottom showing the info below
copyright: Copyright © 2023 ~ now | ๐Ÿš€ Shuaiwen Cui (Shaun)

# Configuration
  custom_dir: material/overrides # custom directory for overriding theme templates, for certain pages, you may don't want to use the default template, you can create a new template in this directory and use it. 
  name: material # theme name, material is the most popular one
  logo: static/images/logo.png # logo
  language: en # default language
  features: # features to be used    
    - announce.dismiss # announcement bar dismiss button
    - content.action.edit # edit button
    - content.action.view # view button
    - content.code.annotate # code annotation
    - content.code.copy # copy code button
    # - # select code button
    # - # link tabs to sections
    - content.tooltips # tooltips
    # - header.autohide # auto hide header
    - navigation.expand # expand the side navigation bar by default
    - navigation.footer # footer navigation
    - navigation.indexes # documents can be directly attached to sections, which is particularly useful for providing overview pages
    # - navigation.instant # instant navigation - better comment out this item, otherwise, once you switch the language, it will jump back to the home page
    - navigation.instant.prefetch # for large file
    - navigation.instant.progress # loading progress bar
    - navigation.path # breadcrumb path on top of page
    # - navigation.prune # only build the visible part of the navigation tree
    - navigation.sections # navigation - top level will render as sections
    - navigation.tabs # navigation - top level will render as tabs
    - navigation.tabs.sticky # tabs stick to the top of the page
    - # top navigation
    - navigation.tracking # navigation tracking
    - search.highlight # search result highlight
    - search.share # share search results
    - search.suggest # search suggestions
    - toc.follow # table of content follow scroll
    # - toc.integrate # toc is merged into the left navigation bar
    - media: "(prefers-color-scheme)" # color scheme
      scheme: slate
      primary: black
      accent: indigo
        icon: material/link
        name: Switch to light mode
    - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" # color scheme: light
      scheme: default
      primary: indigo
      accent: indigo
        icon: material/toggle-switch
        name: Switch to dark mode
    - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" # color scheme: dark
      scheme: slate
      primary: black
      accent: indigo
        icon: material/toggle-switch-off
        name: Switch to system preference
  font: # font
    text: Roboto
    code: Roboto Mono
  favicon: assets/favicon.png # favicon
  icon: # icons used
    logo: logo
    previous: fontawesome/solid/angle-left
    next: fontawesome/solid/angle-right
      default-tag: fontawesome/solid/tag
      hardware-tag: fontawesome/solid/microchip
      software-tag: fontawesome/solid/laptop-code

# Plugins
  - tags # tags
  - blog # blog
  - rss: # rss
      match_path: blog/posts/.* 
        as_creation: date
        - categories
        - tags 
  # - social
  - search: # search
      separator: '[\s\u200b\-_,:!=\[\]()"`/]+|\.(?!\d)|&[lg]t;|(?!\b)(?=[A-Z][a-z])'
  - minify: # minify
      minify_html: true
  # - privacy
  - i18n: # internationalization for language switch
      docs_structure: suffix
      fallback_to_default: true
      reconfigure_material: true
      reconfigure_search: true
      languages: # This part should be really careful. For now, I cannot do stay on the same page after switching language. There should be more elegant way to do this.
        - locale: en
          default: true
          name: English
          build: true
          # site_name: Infinity
        - locale: zh
          name: ็ฎ€ไฝ“ไธญๆ–‡
          build: true
          nav_translations: # note that all titles and subtitles in the navigation bar must be translated need to be translated can be put here, but with no indentation
            HOME: ้ฆ–้กต
            ABOUT: ๅ…ณไบŽ
            SPONSORSHIP: ่ตžๅŠฉ
            CS: ่ฎก็ฎ—ๆœบ
            CODING: ็ผ–็จ‹
            EMBEDDED-SYS: ๅตŒๅ…ฅๅผ็ณป็ปŸ
            DSP: ๆ•ฐๅญ—ไฟกๅทๅค„็†
            PERCEPTION: ๆ„Ÿ็Ÿฅ
            ACTUATION: ๆ‰ง่กŒ
            IOT: ็‰ฉ่”็ฝ‘
            CLOUD: ไบ‘
            CLOUD-TECH: ไบ‘ๆŠ€ๆœฏ
            HANDS-ON: ไธŠๆ‰‹ๅฎž่ทต
            Have A Server: ๆ‹ฅๆœ‰ไธ€ๅฐๆœๅŠกๅ™จ
            Server Configuration: ๆœๅŠกๅ™จ้…็ฝฎ
            AI: ไบบๅทฅๆ™บ่ƒฝ
            RESEARCH: ็ ”็ฉถ
            PROJECT: ้กน็›ฎ
# # Hooks
# hooks:
#   - material/overrides/hooks/
#   - material/overrides/hooks/

# Additional configuration
  generator: false # show the generator in the footer
    new: Recently added
    deprecated: Deprecated
    provider: google
    feedback: # feedback form
      title: Was this page helpful?
        - icon: material/thumb-up-outline
          name: This page was helpful
          data: 1
          note: >-
            Thanks for your feedback!
        - icon: material/thumb-down-outline
          name: This page could be improved
          data: 0
          note: >- 
            Thanks for your feedback! Help us improve this page by
            using our <a href="..." target="_blank" rel="noopener">feedback form</a>.
  # alternate:
  #   - name: English
  #     link: /en/ 
  #     lang: en
  #   - name: Chinese
  #     link: /zh/
  #     lang: zh
  social: # social media links at the right bottom
    - icon: fontawesome/solid/house
    - icon: fontawesome/brands/github
    - icon: fontawesome/brands/linkedin
    - icon: fontawesome/brands/researchgate
    - icon: fontawesome/brands/orcid
    - icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter
  tags: # tags - corresponding to the tags plugin
    Default: default-tag
    Hardware: hardware-tag
    Software: software-tag
  # consent:
  #   title: Cookie consent
  #   description: >- 
  #     We use cookies to recognize your repeated visits and preferences, as well
  #     as to measure the effectiveness of our documentation and whether users
  #     find what they're searching for. With your consent, you're helping us to
  #     make our documentation better.

# Extensions
markdown_extensions: # markdown extensions
  - abbr
  - admonition
  - attr_list
  - def_list
  - footnotes
  - md_in_html
  - toc:
      permalink: true
  - pymdownx.arithmatex:
      generic: true
  - pymdownx.betterem:
      smart_enable: all
  - pymdownx.caret
  - pymdownx.details
  - pymdownx.emoji:
      emoji_generator: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.to_svg
      emoji_index: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.twemoji
  - pymdownx.highlight:
      anchor_linenums: true
      line_spans: __span
      pygments_lang_class: true
  - pymdownx.inlinehilite
  - pymdownx.keys
  - pymdownx.magiclink:
      normalize_issue_symbols: true
      repo_url_shorthand: true
      user: squidfunk
      repo: mkdocs-material
  - pymdownx.mark
  - pymdownx.smartsymbols
  - pymdownx.snippets:
        - includes/
  - pymdownx.superfences:
        - name: mermaid
          class: mermaid
          format: !!python/name:pymdownx.superfences.fence_code_format
  - pymdownx.tabbed:
      alternate_style: true
      combine_header_slug: true
      slugify: !!python/object/apply:pymdownx.slugs.slugify
          case: lower
  - pymdownx.tasklist:
      custom_checkbox: true
  - pymdownx.tilde

# Page Navigation Tree
nav: # navigation tree - please follow my way to do this, otherwise, it may not work. the quotes can be omitted. The dot and slash in the beginning can also be omitted. ("./HOME/" or Home/ 
# note that here, the file name is like, but in the folders, it is actually named as and This is because, in the configuration file, I set the default language as English. So, if you want to add a new page, you need to add two files, one is, the other is
  - HOME: 
      - ""
      - ABOUT: "./HOME/"
      - SPONSORSHIP: "./HOME/"
  - CS: 
      - "./CS/"
  - CODING: 
      - "./CODING/"
      - "./EMBEDDED-SYS/"
  - DSP: 
      - "./DSP/"
      - "./PERCEPTION/"
      - "./ACTUATION/"
      - ROS: "./ACTUATION/ROS/"
  - IOT: 
      - "./IOT/"
  - CLOUD: 
      - "./CLOUD/"
      - HANDS-ON:
          - Have A Server: "./CLOUD/HANDS-ON/001-HAVE-A-SERVER/"
          - Server Configuration: "./CLOUD/HANDS-ON/002-SERVER-CONFIG/"
          - Get A Domain Name: "./CLOUD/HANDS-ON/003-DOMAIN-NAME/"
  - AI: 
      - "./AI/"
      - "./RESEARCH/"
      - "./PROJECT/"
This configuration file should help you build a gorgeous website like you see now. Actually, almost all the configuration is done in this file.

Writing Documentation

For a tech blog, the contents matter the most, but I cannot help you with that. However, I can give a useful tip for you to make your article more beautiful.


you can check the material theme documentation to study their markdown syntax.

Here are some useful syntax:

  • Note

    !!! note
        This is a note.

  • Tip

    !!! tip
        This is a tip.

  • Warning

    !!! warning
        This is a warning.

  • Danger

    !!! danger
        This is a danger.

  • Success

    !!! success
        This is a success.

  • Info
    !!! info
        This is an info.
  • Quote
    !!! quote
        This is a quote.
  • Question
    ??? question "What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?"
  • Note


This is a note.

  • Tip


This is a tip.

  • Warning


This is a warning.

  • Danger


This is a danger.

  • Success


This is a success.

  • Info


This is an info.

  • Quote


This is a quote.

  • Question
What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?


Upload And Deploy - Method 1 - Direct Upload To Server


scp -r <local directory> <username>@<server address>:<remote directory>


cd <remote directory>
mkdocs build

Mount To Nginx

Before mounting to Nginx, you need to install Nginx first.

sudo apt-get install nginx
Then, you need to modify the configuration file of Nginx.

sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

Enter the following file, press i to enter insert mode, and modify the file as follows:

server {
    listen 80; # by default, the port is 80 # if you use other port (e.g., 8000), you need to specify it here. Accordingly, when you visit the website, you need to type in the port number like this:
    server_name <server address>; # name as you like
    root <remote directory>/site; # the site folder is where the built website is located
    index index.html index.htm;
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
Then, press esc to exit insert mode, and type in :wq to save and exit.

Finally, restart Nginx.

sudo nginx -t # test
sudo systemctl restart nginx # restart nginx

If you are familiar with git & github, this method is recommended.

I assume you have already link your local repo to the remote repo on GitHub. If not, please refer to GitHub Docs to create a repo and link it to your local repo.


Note that, better build the website in the server rather than locally. That means, when uploading the website to the server, don't upload the site directory. For example, you can use gitignore to ignore the site directory. Then, in the server, in corresponding directory, run mkdocs build to build the website.

To use a gitignore file, you can create a file named .gitignore in the root directory of your repo. Then, you can add the following content to the file:

# Ignore site directory


git add .
git commit -m "update"
git push origin master # or it can be 'git push origin main'
If you use github pages to host your website, you can use optionally use the following command to push the website to the gh-pages branch.

mkdocs gh-deploy


For me, I have a .sh file to do this. You can refer to the file in this repo. You can modify it as you like. Then, you can use the following command to upload the website to the server.

./ # for Windows


sh # for Linux


bash # for Linux


On the server, you need to pull the repo and build the website.

If this is the first time you pull the repo, you need to clone the repo first.

git clone <repo url>

Otherwise, you can pull the repo.

git pull

Then, enter the repo directory, and build the website.

cd <repo directory>

Then, build the website.

mkdocs build

Finally, mount to Nginx. Please refer to the previous section in Method 1.

The End

Enjoy your website!