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To store my resources.

Warehouse Organization

The structure is consistent with the project Infinity structure.

Project Hosts

GitHub Pages

Github Pages

The deployment follows common github pages deployment procedures.

Personal Cloud Web Server

Deployment follows the following steps:

  • Install git in your cloud server.
sudo apt-get install git
  • Change directory to the location you want to store the repo, clone the warehouse repository to your cloud server.
git clone
  • Install nginx in your cloud server.
sudo apt-get install nginx
  • Enable the port xxxx in your cloud server, in the management page provided by your cloud service provider.

  • If necessary, you also need to enable the port in your OS firewall. (try without this step first)

  • Configure the nginx.conf file to enable the port xxxx.

sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
insert the following code into the file, and save it.

server {
    listen xxxx; # xxxx is the port you want to enable
    server_name; # your domain name or anything else
    root /home/ubuntu/Warehouse; # the path to your repo
    index index.html; # the index file
  • Restart nginx.
sudo service nginx restart

if you registered nginx as a service, you can also use the following command:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Now you can visit the website, or use link to visit the file in this repo in other projects, for example, your personal tech blog. Note that, the port number is necessary if it is not 80 (default port). For example, my port number is 7500, then my link is: